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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Moses - is he the next Johnny Depp?

After the Halloween experience, and a viewing of Pirates of the Caribbean, Moses has decided he likes Captain Jack Sparrow. I took the below photo in the "jungles" in our backyard:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Feltic Strings

Not sure why we had to come up with a name, I suppose the F from Farthing into Celtic became the Feltic Strings. Ruby was a key to the below, she heard a CD of mine (Dad likes Celtic) and a track by Erin Shore called Carisma and thought she could play it on her violin. Then I thought that between Ruby and I we could find the right notes for Banjo to play on his Cello and the below is the end result. Just a little something we did on a quiet Sunday!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Elsey's First Outside Run

And Run she did! Took Elsey and Possum out to the Claypans today during lunch. wasn't a really long stay, but they ran around for about half an hour. Apologies to Ruby for the lack of Possum photos, truth is most of his are blurry or he's looking the other way.
Elsey on the other hand was a bit unsure at first, but was much more obedient at coming when called, which was a pleasant surprise.
On with the photos: