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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Still at Denham ...

We all seem to be finding it hard to leave Denham. Possibly because the wind died down, or maybe because we are all relaxed here.

Have spent a few days not doing anything spectacular, although we have been back up the Peron Peninsula and back to Monkey Mia. At this stage, we have decided to stay one more night which brings our total to 7.
Ruby was able to feed the dolphins today, Moses caught a family first ever squid last night (first cast and then thqat was all we caught but it was a decent sized squid), we all had a fish late this afternoon and Moses was again the lucky one to reel in a decent sized flathead and a decent sized whiting which we had for dinner with the calamari.
We continue to see amazing things ech day, a seasnake around the pier where we were squid jigging stands out.
We will probably go from here to Perth in a couple of weeks, but part of that will be the weather.
We are thinking of those who are water-logged around the country and hope all is well in your homes.


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